Abstract:Under the background of innovation-driven development strategy, it is important to guide the highquality development of cities with collaborative innovation. Based on the patent application data of 288 Chinese cities from 2001 to 2020, using exploratory spatial and social network method, this study comprehensively investigates the spatial and temporal evolution of urban collaborative innovation network. The results show that: 1) The scale of urban collaborative innovation has experienced the development stage of "low gradual-steady growth-rapid rise", the proportion of enterprises has been decreasing, but it is still the main force of S&T innovation, the proportion of colleges has been increasing and then decreasing. 2) The distribution of local co-innovation capacity is extremely imbalanced, revealing the pattern of "strong in the east and weak in the west, and higher in the coast than in the inland"; the cross-border co-innovation cooperation is constantly expanding in breadth and depth, and has changed from a "one-line" structure to a "tetrahedron" structure; combined with the intensity of local and cross-border co-innovation, it is divided into four modes: network-intensive, local-prioritized, cross-border-prioritized, and isolated-sparse. 3) The overall network of urban collaborative innovation has changed from sparse to dense, with obvious small-world characteristics; the individual network has been continuously strengthened, featuring a prominent polarization; the network hierarchy has grown progressively, showing a significant "core-edge" structure.
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